Cake Topper Friday: Chicago Cubs Cake and Topper

I’ve always had a thing for Wrigley Field.
This from the girl who just two short weeks ago asked her husband who won the Super Bowl. (Answer: The Cardinals…he has learned that I really just don’t care enough to attribute the right names to the right sports. Of course I KNOW the Super Bowl is football if I thought about it. Most of the time I simply don’t care to think).
Anyway. My thing for Wrigley Field dates back to the first time I saw Sleepless in Seattle and they show a flashback of Sam (Tom Hanks) and Maggie (dead wife) Read More
Let’s get our Knot Wedding Shop on!

Sale! You know I am always hooking you up with the discounts at The Knot Wedding Shop.
Seriously, I love that place. If I had a need in my non-wedding-planning life for monogrammed napkins and rhinestone tank tops that say “Bride” I’d shop there daily.
Sadly, I don’t. But you might, and that gives me the opportunity to shop virtually for you. Since I kicked off this week with Fall Wedding Cakes let’s continue with that Read More
Monogrammed Mini Cakes

Once or twice..or who am I really kidding here..about fourteen times I’ve shared my love for all that is monogrammed on AWCB.
So needless to say these adorable blue mini cakes featured here on Seriously? If Cake Pops are the new Cupcakes Read More
Bunting Wedding Cake

Here are some trends I have noticed for 2011: Chevron, Horizontal Striped curtains and bunting flags.
Seriously, bunting flags are everywhere. I have seen them at children’s birthday parties, homes decorated for the 4th of July, in nurseries, and today I found them on a wedding cake. This cake was made by Zoe Clark of The Cake Parlour in London. Do you not love how the English and Canadians have an extra “u” in some words like “parlour” and “colour”? It sounds so classy. Anyway, I was flipping through the gallery and found these cakes to be classic and light. I personally felt like Read More
Fall-Themed Cakes

I’m going to answer Brooke’s question from yesterday.
I celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas to the max. From the time November 1st until January 1st I embrace as much of the holidays as possible. I know sometimes Thanksgiving can get brushed over because of the hustle and bustle of Christmas. But not in my house. My mums are blooming and pumpkins and warty gourds Read More
Orange and White ‘Double Happiness’ Cake with Anemones

I heart this cake. Majorly.
Okay, with the “majorly” I majorly showed my age just now.
So, this is another fantastic cake from Shawna at Flourish Cakes. We have been working to get this one up for sometime between the two of us. But she had sick kiddoes, and I ran off to the wilds of West Virginia and well…here we are.
I thought this cake was breathtaking the first time I saw it. Its simplicity, the clean lines, the East-meets-West feel, the, I don’t know, crispness Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Big Gulp Topper

Never have I ever seen a cake topper feature a 7-11 Big Gulp. I am not here to judge…just to report the facts…and this cake does indeed feature a…Big Gulp.
Okay, Big Gulpiness aside it is adorable. This gumpaste cake topper features the happy bride and groom getting ready for a ball game. The bride is holding a baseball while the groom is ready with his bat and glove. This would be a great topper for a fun loving baseball couple.
What do you think? Can you get past the Big Gulp Read More
Big Strawberry Cupcake Cake

Check. it. out. An extra large cupcake is ALWAYS okay with Christen. That’s for sure. Pile it high with delicious buttercream icing. Yes please. Oh, what’s that you say? You want to surround it with normal sized cupcakes and top them with chocolate covered strawberries?
Thump. That was me hitting the floor Read More
Inspired Cakes

Sometimes inspiration for cakes can come from the funniest places. These cakes were created by Sweet Face Cakesin Nashville, Tennessee. The black and white cake was inspired by a shirt that the cake designer saw being worn by Mila Kunis. The pink and gold cake drew inspiration from her grandmother’s brooch. If you look closely Read More