Real Life Objects Cakes
The sky is the limit when it comes to cake sculpture. If you can describe it, or produce a photograph of it, then chances are your talented baker can turn it into cake. More and more, we are seeing real life objects cakes, or sculpted cakes as they are sometimes called, served in tandem with a traditional wedding cake. Normally, the sculpted cake is the groom’s cake, and can be fashioned into any number of objects: a beer bottle, a football helmet, a movie theatre. Gun case with a semi-automatic nestled in the foam-made-of-cake? No problem. Crab cake that looks like a crab? Easy peasy. Caffeine addict you’re baking for? Well then, why not a giant coffee cup? Sand castle? Child’s play. If you can dream it, it’s likely that your baker can do it. So free your mind. And your cake will follow.
Book Wedding Cake

Now here is an original idea. This couple decided that instead of a traditional wedding cake they would make a cake that represent a stack of books. More importantly a stack of books that were significant to the bride and groom. The stack includes Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton, The Bromeliad Triology by Terry Pratchett and Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. This is the point where I pretend I have heard of all of those books and throw out some fancy literary words Read More
Groom’s ‘Coffee’ Cake

Raise your hand out there if you can make any sense whatsoever in the morning without first ingesting coffee.
Well, aren’t you the lucky ones.
For the rest of us, who balk, nay, cry at the thought of not starting our morning with a cup of coffee, I give you the ultimate coffee tribute. The Coffee Cake.
The Starbucks Coffee Cake.
So, disclaimer: Starbucks isn’t paying me a single cent to tell you that their coffee courses through my veins! And so, when I saw this incredible cake Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 22, 2011

What a pretty week it has been! While my BPIP (Blog Partner In Pretty), Christen, has been out and about, scouring the best and most delicious treats for the boys out there (HELLO – ice cream groom’s cake! Brill!) I’ve been taking note of all the busy bakers that I have the pleasure to hobnob with. And yesterday evening, I had a real treat, as I got a peak at the Waldorf Astoria Orlando’s wedding salon. Can you say opulence-to-die-for? I’m hoping to have LOTS of pretty pictures and details to share with you about that experience soon! But in the meantime, Read More
University of Texas Groom’s Cake – Brought to You by a Couple of Texas A&M Aggies

You mess with the get the horns.
True story in this case. I am not from Texas…so I am going to try my best to get this story right.
The couple who featured this University of Texas Longhorn Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day, Everyone! If you’re a mom, I say, take this day off! Put your feet up! Insist on chocolate and refuse to do housework! It will be waiting for you tomorrow, patiently, anyway.
And if you are blessed enough to have your mom still with you, give her a big hug and tell her Read More
Bow Wedding Cake

It occurred to me that it has been awhile since I featured a straight up classic wedding cake that wasn’t consumed by dignitaries and former Spice Girls. So today will be that day.
This lovely cake is a replica of a gift box. This is the sort of gift that I like the receive..three tiers and completely edible. In lieu of a topper, Read More
Handmade Bird Cake Toppers

Happy May!
Birds are in right now. Much to my dismay. Those little buggers terrify the crap out of me. The real ones, anyway…not the pretty ones that live on my gorgeous duvet cover.
I stumbled upon these handmade bird cake toppers and Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 1, 2011

What a week for weddings it has been. And to think – the season is just beginning!
The world watched Friday as Kate Middleton – now HRH The Duchess of Cambridge – married Prince William in a beautiful ceremony that was both modern and traditional all at once. Christen and I tweeted and texted and Facebooked with our best girlfriends from all over, as we all enjoyed the elegant spectacle.
Now, we’re sure to have Read More
Royal Jewels…Made of Sugar!

I know what you’re thinking…two posts in one day?! What!
Consider this my wedding gift from me…to you…no thank you note required. Oh, who am I kidding? I have Royal Wedding Fever. I’d post 14 posts a day if Brooke would let me. I indulge in her love of maybe she would.
But I digress..again. Because this got me all kinds of excited today. Visualize the next few words I am about to type in your head Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 24, 2011

Happy Easter, Everyone! On this most spring-y of days, we’re excited to look around and see all the beauty that is popping up everywhere. As we shed our winter coats for sun dresses, and trade in those fashionable boots for comfy flip flops, we’re excited to see what will be new for spring and summer in the world of Read More