Wedding Cake Pops
Black and Red Wedding Cake Pop Cake

My name is Brooke, and I love cake pops. (Hi Brooke.)
Omistars…I feel certain that cake pops were some kind of happy accident, or were the obvious invention of thrifty cake bakers who couldn't imagine throwing out all those cake scraps (we used to make rumballs out of all those yummy leftovers.) Dress them up, put them on a stick, and you have the perfect two bite dessert!
But savvy folks like Julie of Party Pops by Julie are taking the artistry of the humble cake ball to a whole new level. Check out this incredible wedding cake – made from Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for August 26, 2012

Hi There!
Oh my, but the autumn bug has officially bitten in this household! Oh, sure. There’s some summer fun left here, and we’re still wearing shorts and all, but it’s actually been, well, NOT hotter than the hinges of Read More
For the Guys: College Basketball Cake Pops

Thinking out of the box for the guys, aren’t these darling?
If your guy is a huge sports fan (or if you both are, and you want to use the groom’s cake as an expression of that) I think this Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for June 24, 2012

Hey There, Ho There, and Happy Solstice! What did you do during the longest day of the year this week? Anything special? Nah, me neither. But it’s nice to know that, after I’ve been talking about it seemingly for weeks, summer is finally underway!
This week, I make my way up the East Coast, stopping in to a couple of beaches along the way, as I head to a wedding in Maryland next Saturday. My, but we are hoping there’s a crab cake at the reception somewhere.
But between packing and other prep, I’ve been looking at what’s going on this week in the World of Read More
Wedding Cake Cake Pops

Today’s post is kind of a tongue twister…Wedding Cake Cake Pops. How precious and cute are these? I mean the cake pop trend has taken off but these are a whole new kind of adorable!
If you are going back and forth between a traditional wedding cake and a fun alternative like cake pops then these could be your perfect alternative! You could even have them displayed on a tiered stand to mimic a wedding cake. And you can make these at home! The ever so wonderful Duff of Charm City Cakes has made this into a cake pop kit. If only I had known about these last year for the Royal Wedding!
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 29, 2011

Greetings, Cake Lovers and Seekers of Pretty and *sigh* Moments!
What have you been up to this week? I confess, I’ve had one foot in Fantasyworld (or rather, in the Happiest Place on Earth) and the other in the quagmire that is the last month of the school year. Will it ever end? I suppose that’s counter Read More
Rainbow Cake Ball Wedding Cake

We love Cake Wrecks. If you want to laugh hysterically (and sometimes, it’s at people, and not with them), then be sure to check out this awesome website.
However, we’ve never linked to them, because, well, usually they’re highlighting all that is hysterically wrong with cake. But then every so often, they show us beautiful cakes, and all is right with the world again.
I just fell in love with this rainbow cake ball wedding cake. Cake balls (yes, we realize it’s kind of a funny term) – not to be confused with cake pops. First, these are different sizes, and all are much bigger Read More
Cake Pop Wedding Cake

You know, we lurve cake around here in all its permutations…we’ve featured plenty of cupcakes, mini cakes, and cake pops right alongside beautiful and statuesque wedding cakes.
We do love the whole cake pop trend especially, however (tomorrow, my favorite will be cupcakes, or pie – pronounced /pah/ here in the South. I’m fickle that way.) But I digress. Cake pops are darling and they are yummy, which makes them fabulous.
But how do you artfully display them, without reducing your swanky wedding reception to what Read More
Blue and Orange Wedding Cake Pop Mania

You know me. You know that there is nothing I love more than 300 cake pops just waiting to be eaten. I could only love it more if I was lucky enough to be one of the people who got to eat one of these cake pops. Sadly…I was not.
This cake pop tower was (I am pretty sure) the highlight of a fall wedding in Nashville this year. The bride and groom chose a navy and orange color scheme for their wedding. Remind me later to talk about my love for all things navy as of late. I feel a “Navy Cakes” post coming…hmm. Anyway, the cake Read More