Posted on July 1, 2012 by Brooke
Hey Guys! I’m writing to you from Baltimore, Maryland, where we are hanging out in anticipation of going later to a – you guessed it – family wedding. Good times, since I’m getting to experience both an epic heat wave and some of the worst storms in history. A line of wind and thunderstorms ripped through here last night after wailing on my home state of West Virginia, and we swore we saw Dorothy’s house floating through the air. So here’s hoping that all of you out there are safe, sound, and will have power back in the very near future. Stay cool, y’all.
Well, since I’m traveling with my darling family – Great American Road Trip, Y’all – I am currently luxuriating in the peace and solitude of a very comfortable hotel room while Hubs is entertaining the kiddoes. (Yay HIM!) So, in this quiet time, Wimbledon on the telly, coffee in hand (sadly, no strawberries and cream), let’s look around together and find out what’s going on in the world of wedding, yes? But let’s start with what we’ve been up to this week.
On Monday, I featured a beautiful little cake that we spied recently at a Key West destination wedding – a Teal Blue Wedding Cake with Sea Shells.
Tuesday’s cake was a this breathtaking creation by British artist Janet Mohapi-Banks: a White Feathers Wedding Cake.
I couldn’t resist this homage to the Beatles on Wednesday, with this Yellow Submarine Wedding Cake.
Cakes disguised as pastel boxes, wrapped up in ribbon, made this Satin Bows Wedding Cake a hit on Thursday.
For Cake Topper Friday, we just LOVED this Baseball Bride and Groom Cake Topper. America’s Game!
We went all fancy For the Guys on Saturday, with this Faux Bois Groom’s Cake. Go ahead. Click on it. Learn something new today. 
And now, let’s go poke around with our feet up and see what other Sweet and Pretty we can find!
Kara Buntin of A Cake to Remember in Richmond, Virginia, weighs in on a great reason to avoid fresh flowers on your wedding cake. Evacuated kitchen, anyone?
Emmaline Bride discusses how to plan a wedding with Pinterest.
Thanks to Wedding Tidbits for this heads up: grab the Martha Stewart Craft Studio iPad app for free right now. Hurry! (It’s normally $4.99.)
This Oregon Barn Wedding, from Wedding Chicks, is stunning. So is the delightfully homespun sweets table in lieu of a cake, is all kinds of darling, Darlin’.
Can’t get enough of the Oregon Barn wedding? Me neither. Check out this amazing paper flowers DIY, also from Wedding Chicks, using pattern tissue paper.
I adore this Pink Ombre Engagement Party, featured on Polka Dot Bride. Make sure you check out the entire spread, but I especially loved the darling macarons. I feature the cake above.
Have a Delicious Week, and a Safe Fourth!
Posted on May 6, 2012 by Brooke
Here we go! Hold onto your fascinators! It’s wedding season, y’all!
From now until Thanksgiving, my pastry and wedding planner friends will be cranking out beautiful creations and events, with so much originality and “omigosh that is so awesome and gorgeous!” that we’ll hardly be able to stand it! How many weddings will you be attending this spring, summer, and fall? Our calendar is FULL!
While we are super looking forward to Read More
Posted on March 5, 2012 by Brooke
I featured another cake by Bella Manse a few weeks ago because I thought we all needed a reminder of pretty spring colors. However, this is the one that first endeared me to cake artist and owner Renee Schlotzhauer.
I love what she has done with these wispy, wavy ruffles. I’ve never seen another cake exactly like it. The sugared strawberries add a deft touch of color to the pallette that is just delicious. The tall, slender profile is lovely, too. This would be a cake that truly, I would hate to cut…I wouldn’t be happy to wreck the surpassing gorgeousness.
Like an ethereal wedding gown, or a delicate calla lily, this beautiful Read More
Posted on December 30, 2011 by Christen
Exactly one year ago today I jumped on-board this bandwagon called A Wedding Cake Blog. It’s been a great year and I have literally been up to my eyeballs in frosting ever since. I’ve talked about cupcakes, traditional cakes, very blue cakes and been introduced to Cake Pops and Mini-Cakes. I’ve over-shared..I mean really..who knew that a simple wedding cake could inspire so much random blubbering? So on the eve of the eve of the New Year I’ve decided to take a look back at my top ten favorite posts of Read More
Posted on September 25, 2011 by Brooke
Fall is finally here!
Oh, sure, it was still 91 degrees today. But the light is different. And it actually feels, like, permissible to watch football.
So as the pumpkins and fall colors – and Halloween decorations? – start to make a little more sense, I just wish the mercury would drop. Just a leeetle. And incidentally, let me run off on a Christen-like tangent, because something was bothering me today, as I was shopping at the local Fresh Market. And that would be Peeps, People. Jack o’ Lantern Peeps. Is this just wrong to anyone else? I mean, don’t Peeps lose all their special Peep-i-ness when Read More
Posted on August 14, 2011 by Brooke
Happy Weekend, Everyone! I hope some part of this end-o’-one-week-beginning-o’-the-next finds you with your feet up, enjoying a cup of coffee (or a cocktail) while relaxing, and enjoying the last few days of this wonderful, lazy time of the year. Here, we’re enjoying time with friends at the shore, so we’ll stop grimacing at the high temperatures, and pray Read More
Posted on July 21, 2011 by Christen
It may just be me..but ruffles are becoming my new thing. Move over pearls and monograms..I think I have a new favorite wedding cake trend. Sweet, perfect buttercream ruffles.
These sweet treats were created by Rose at Sweetopolita. Go have a look at her website and you will be hooked–everything is just Read More