chocolate wedding cakes
Autumn Leaves and Chocolate Swirls Wedding Cake
Yes, I’m aware that we both have Spring Fever, and the mention of autumn (and the thought of approaching chilly weather) might make your moan. Still, I figure that a couple of you reading this blog may actually be planning – or at the very least, dreaming – of an autumn wedding. And so, it seems fitting, yes?
The gumpaste leaves on this three-tiered, ever-so-slightly off white cake, are the perfect touch of warmth, and the freehand chocolate swirls give a wonderful sense of motion to the whole thing. Can’t you just picture Read More
Hostess Cupcake Groom’s Cake
What is with me and chocolate lately? Wait. Could there BE a dumber question? Eh. It is what it is. And…what it is…is another chocolate cake from Brooke. 😉
But look at it, will ya? Like I could resist! It’s a giant Hostess cupcake, perched upon the top of what we suspect is the groom’s cake for a lovely summer celebration. And it’s perfectly executed and instantly recognizable.
Okay, so…confession. I was never really allowed to have these as a kid, and I wouldn’t let my children touch Hostess products with a ten-foot pole, so they would have Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for March 18, 2012
Oh, but we have hit Spring Fever with a vengeance in my household.
We want to go to the beach! And the pool! Because in Florida, Spring Fever looks a lot like, you know, summer. But there have been stock car races and Bike Weeks and crazy parties for Irish folk to get through…before the Spring Breakers descend. And we are eager to join them. Like, next week.
So, we are introducing a slightly different format for our Let Them Eat Cake blog round-up, starting this week. We’ll be sharing with you what we’ve been up to all week (in case you missed it…it’s one stop Read More
Gumpaste Flower Cake
This cake makes me think of the Roaring 20’s. I am not sure why…but to me it just seems like it should be saying, “Hello friends, welcome to my boudoir. Do you see me? I’m covered in pearls and pink”. Of course cakes don’t talk…but…if they could I bet that’s what this one would say.
This cake was made by Mary from the blog Apron of Grace. We’ve featured her on here before with her Rose Cake a few months ago. One of my favorite things about Mary is she tries to use all natural ingredients in her food as much as possible. Let’s face it, sometimes you just need something processed. I love this cake not only because it speaks to me in a 1920s accent…but it is the flowers that set me Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for January 8, 2012
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Yes, I know that technically, I’m a full week behind. And I know that technically, today is the Epiphany, and the end of Christmas, and not the New Year. But is anyone else having a hard time cranking up the old machine again, getting on the horse? I blame Read More
Chocolate Lollipop Cake
Oh. my. goodness.
To be fair I had another post planned for today from Maki’s Cakes. While I was scrolling through the Cake Gallery I saw this one…stopped dead in my tracks…fainted, eventually recovered and decided to feature this one instead.
This is a four tiered cake that embraces the square/round combination. I’m not usually a fan of the some-tiers-square-other-tiers-round kind of thing, but I actually love how the square flanks Read More
Ganache…the Other Cake Icing.
I had so many giggle-inducing puns that I wanted to use as a title that I just couldn’t decide. Here are just a few:
- Get Your Ganache On
- Oh Ganache…it’s Chocolate!
- Getcha, Getcha Ga-ga–naache (to be sung in your head to the tune of Lady Read More
Oh my ganache!
Does anyone else have the strong desire to just whip out your finger and dig it right into this cake until your knuckle deep in chocolate ganache or is that just me?
This three tiered circle cake is slathered in bittersweet ganache and beautiful blue fondant bands around each tier. The flowers on the top and the side just make the cake pop with color. I have to admit I love the placement of the flowers as well.. kudos to Hana and Posy in Philadelphia, Pa. Now that we have appropriately Read More