red and white wedding cakes
Christmas in July Wedding Cake

How fun is this cake if you were thinking about having a Christmas in July wedding? It's kind of perfect, really.
Now I'm not sure how many people have a Christmas in July theme for their wedding, but it would be a lot of fun especially when it's a million degrees outside. Your guests could be enjoying a fun winter wonderland complete with this red, white, and pink creation.
I especially love that they've used the red and white Read More
Wedding Cake Alternative: Heart Whoopie Pies

You know that as much as we love cake ’round here, we’re willing to embrace sweets and treats (and the occasional savory indulgence) in all different forms. And so today, in honor of this being Valentine’s Week, we give you…Heart Shaped Whoopie Pies.
Now, I don’t know for sure, but Read More
Sushi Wedding Cake

Time for another fabulous themed cake. This one falls in the “juxtaposition of things that definitely don’t remind you of cake, but it’s so pretty you can’t help yourself” category.
I think this cake is absolutely beautiful. The Japanese characters are flawless, and the gumpaste flowers are incredibly lifelike. But the star of the show is the assortment of gumpaste sushi that adorns the top of the cake.
Wrapped in Read More
Double Height Flowered Red Velvet Cake

I went in search of something different today, and I found this lovely cake!
Don’t dismiss it as just a Read More
Red Stripe Wedding Cake with Bride and Groom Names

Remember when I wanted preppy yesterday? Well, I wanted it today, too, but I thought it would be fun to go in search of horizontal lines instead of vertical ones.
I adore the simplicity of the this cake. And it's really no shock that it's simple, since it's featured on Real Simple Magazine's website! Plain white fondant on tall tiers, trimmed with a border of thin red and white striped ribbon. The cake's only Read More
Apple Wedding Cake Redux

This is one of my all-time favorite cakes that I’ve featured. Why am I providing you with a re-run today, you ask? A couple of reasons:
1. A cake loved should be shared more than once.
2. We will never forget.
So today, although I will not dwell on what September 11 has come to mean to Americans as well as others around the world, I do offer you this apple cake Read More
“He’s Her Lobster” Groom’s Cake

You know the episode. Of course you do! Ross. Rachel. Phoebe and the lobsters.
Well, Jenniffer from Cup a Dee Cakes in Georgia (see! I told you to stay tuned for another fabulous Cup a Dee cake!) likes to think that episode is the idea behind this one. And I (and a couple million of my closest friends who were also glued to the TV on Thursday nights in the nineties) would like to agree.
While Jenniffer says the cake was a Read More
White Wedding Cake with Ruching to Match the Bride’s Dress

So, I’m clearly inspired to keep the white wedding cake love going for a day or two longer…
Check out this incredible cake by the Intricate Icings. I was floored when I saw the artistry here…they have actually succeeded in making fondant behave like fabric! In this case, the bride sent in a picture of her dress as inspiration, and Read More