Themed Wedding Cakes
A themed wedding cake may be just what you’re looking for to set your cake and reception apart. While a themed cake would be a natural fit for a wedding that also invokes a theme – say an “Alice in Wonderland” wedding, or a renaissance wedding – a bride and groom may also choose a theme for their cake based upon the a favorite amusement park ride or a preferred hobby, a favorite location, or a season or holiday. For the couple enjoys the daring fun of an amusement park ride, we’ve seen cakes that immortalize attractions like Disney’s Splash Mountain – fun! Likewise, the bicycling-enthusiast couple might prefer a cake that shows a mountain bike ride. Less specific would be the couple who incorporate images and items from the ocean into a beach cake, which might include gum paste shells and star fish, sand-like or pearly finish, and maybe a sand castle topper. Finally, if your wedding takes place near a beloved holiday or season, like the Fourth of July, or autumn, or Christmas time, consider incorporating themes that echo those holidays or times of the year. A July wedding cake might be decorated with stars and sparklers, while autumn might show off colorful marzipan leaves and chocolate twigs and acorns. Christmas might inspire the use of traditional garnets and greens, or cool and snowy blues and silvers. If there is a theme that you love, consider celebrating it with your wedding cake. It will make your day even more memorable, for both you and your guests.
White Wedding Cake with Blue Flowers

Lately I’ve been daydreaming about the beach. A lot.
This is likely due to the fact that very soon I’ll be lounging on a beach in the Caribbean without a care in the world.
But it also got me thinking about beach-themed wedding cakes since it is the perfect time of year for a beach wedding.
And then I found this cake and fell in love. Read More
Rainbow Wedding Cake

Spring is the season of rainbows. All you need is a good rain shower and some sunshine and viola! You’ve got rainbows!
Of course spring is also the perfect season to incorporate rainbows into your wedding cake too.
I love the fun themeing of this rainbow wedding cake. Read More
Naked Wedding Cake with Sprinkles

I prefer my wedding cakes to have a lot of icing. After all, is a cake really a cake without icing?
But sometimes I find a “naked” wedding cake (sans icing) that really intrigues me.
Take for example today’s nearly naked caked that is adorned with some colorful and whimsical sprinkles. Read More
Wedding Cake with Crystallized Sugar Candy

I’m always looking for something different and unique when it comes to wedding cakes.
Today’s cake fits that bill … and then some!
We all remember eating rock candy as kids, right? Those sticks covered in crystallized sugar that almost broke our teeth? Now as grownups maybe we’ll get a stick of rock candy with a fancy espresso – a stick of sugar to sweeten the coffee.
But what if you could have rock candy on your wedding cake? That would be amazing! And delicious. Read More
Cheerful Rainbow Wedding Cake

Happy February! We’re thismuch closer to spring now!
And we’re thinking warm and cheery thoughts today with this fun rainbow wedding cake.
Who needs a plain ol’ white wedding cake when you can add sprinkles for some fun and whimsy? Read More
Comic Book Wedding Cake

Happy New Year!
Since we’re just a few days into 2016 it seemed like a good time to ease into the week … especially for those of you who might have been enjoying time off for the last week (or two).
So today’s cake is all about fun – check out the superhero wedding cake!
Now granted, they’re mixing Marvel and DC Comics which might be a big superhero no-no, but we don’t care. This cake is COOL! Read More
Rainbow Cake

As we move deeper and deeper into the dreary, gray months of winter it’s always nice to showcase a cheery and bright wedding cake.
Take this lovely rainbow cake. I love the elegant yet whimsical take on using rainbow colors to decorate the cake.
The cascade of rainbow candy from the champagne glass is so much fun. Read More
Winter White Wedding Cake

There’s no denying it now – winter is almost officially upon us.
It’s December and that means holidays, cold weather, and snow. But it also means festive holiday weddings!
And to beat those winter blahs you’ll want a stunning winter wedding cake – like this gorgeous cake I’m featuring today. Read More
Naked Chocolate Wedding Cake

I have a confession to make – I love Oreo cookies.
Which is probably why I had to choose today’s wedding cake to showcase. It looks like a stack of Oreos. OK, well it looks like a stack of Oreos to me.
I’ll also confess that I’m not a huge fan of naked wedding cakes. I’m too much of a frosting fan to purposely eat a cake that lacks frosting.
However, this naked dark chocolate cake is really stunning because of its lack of frosting. The white icing peeking out between the tiers adds just the right amount of drama to this cake. Read More
Black and Gold Wedding Cake

Sometimes when looking for wedding cakes to showcase I run across a cake that makes me go “hmmm” and “wow!” at the same time.
Today’s cake is that cake.
I’ll admit I never thought about having a black wedding cake when I was planning my wedding all those years ago. But I can see how it would work when looking at today’s cake. Read More