Wedding Cake Toppers
For many wedding cakes it is the topper that makes the cake. Since the topper generally represents the bride and groom themselves in some way they can be the most important part of the cake. These cakes have unusual, beautiful or simply novel toppers that are worth checking out.
Cake Topper Friday: Perfect Pair Cake Topper

I love pears. When it’s “pear day” at school I always grab two. However, this has very little to do with my love of fruit. Other than the fact that these cake toppers are in fact…you know…pears.
These cutie cake toppers and nonbreakable hand-stamped pears that are about 4 inches tall. The great thing about these toppers are that they are lightweight, so they Read More
Cake Topper Friday: High Five Bride and Groom Topper

This is the perfect cake topper to be the first feature of 2012. Seriously, with the addition of this cake topper this may be my favorite week on A Wedding Cake Blog ever!
I love that this topper is tons of fun. It actually reminds me a lot Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Vintage-Style Christmas Cutouts

Next week I have a big fat week of Christmas-themed cakes planned for you. I mean I could just post regular old wedding cakes–but then I wouldn’t really be in the spirit would I?
In order to gear up for Christen’s Christmas-avaganza 2011 I thought we’d start here with this cute cake topper. This is a Scandanavian-style wood cake topper, featuring a beautiful Christmas tree, complete with presents and robins. Love. It. Especially the robins. It’s vintage and Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Simply Silhouette Wedding

I feel like I should rename this Show Stopper Friday. For realz.
This silhouette cake topper is made by Simply Silhouette Weddings and it is kind of amazing. I could be partial though because I am all about some silhouettes lately. I have seriously “pinned” every DIY silhouette tutorial on Pinterest in an effort to get one made of my son. I’ll let you know how that goes…probably not well if history plays a role. I should probably leave it to the professionals because Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Hans Solo and Princess Leia Bobble Head Cake Toppers

Well, I must be making up for lost time because I died when I saw these cake toppers and I knew they had to be featured! This cake features a Hans Solo and Princess Leia bobble-heads as their toppers. While I’m not exactly a Star Wars nut, the bobble-heads as a topper concept is not lost on me. There is a lot you could do here. You could use your favorite sports team bobble-heads, or is there another Read More
Book Topper

I hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful and amazing and I hope that this morning you bought a dryer at Best Buy for one gabillion percent off.
In case someone beat you to the last dryer and you’re a little depressed today, this fantastic Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Chicago Cubs Cake and Topper

I’ve always had a thing for Wrigley Field.
This from the girl who just two short weeks ago asked her husband who won the Super Bowl. (Answer: The Cardinals…he has learned that I really just don’t care enough to attribute the right names to the right sports. Of course I KNOW the Super Bowl is football if I thought about it. Most of the time I simply don’t care to think).
Anyway. My thing for Wrigley Field dates back to the first time I saw Sleepless in Seattle and they show a flashback of Sam (Tom Hanks) and Maggie (dead wife) Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Big Gulp Topper

Never have I ever seen a cake topper feature a 7-11 Big Gulp. I am not here to judge…just to report the facts…and this cake does indeed feature a…Big Gulp.
Okay, Big Gulpiness aside it is adorable. This gumpaste cake topper features the happy bride and groom getting ready for a ball game. The bride is holding a baseball while the groom is ready with his bat and glove. This would be a great topper for a fun loving baseball couple.
What do you think? Can you get past the Big Gulp Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Mission Impossible Wedding Cake Topper

Well. We’ve almost been around this corner of the interwebs for almost a year…it’s about time I posted a picture of a cake topper with guns don’t you think?
Why not? I’m not an action flick kind of girl. However, I can get down with an appreciation for a genre. Especially when there is a story involved. Apparently the bride and groom whom this cake topper belonged to planned and executed their wedding within 5 months. Thereby making it their Mission: Possible. That’s pretty hardcore considering Read More