Wedding Cake Toppers
For many wedding cakes it is the topper that makes the cake. Since the topper generally represents the bride and groom themselves in some way they can be the most important part of the cake. These cakes have unusual, beautiful or simply novel toppers that are worth checking out.
Cake Topper Friday: Picture Perfect Couple

I have friends who are just plain beautiful. And then they got married and had a baby, and now there is another beautiful person roaming the earth. Thanks, Mike and Carrie!
My point? Well, they had a family portrait taken that looks a lot like our cake topper couple, and everytime I see this cute look, I think of them. It’s as though they said, “Yes, we’re beautiful. It’s not that we’re arrogant or anything…it is what it is. And so we thought we would share with you.”
And this couple seems to be saying the same thing. Will you look your Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Dancing Bride and Groom

So I know that I’ve proselytized about this before, but I am not a big fan of wedding cake toppers where one party is dragging the other to the altar, or shackling them in some way. I just don’t find it funny to intimate that marriage is unsavory. Stodgy and stick-in-the-mud of me? Perhaps. But if you don’t want to do it, then why are you there?
I love sweet or funny toppers, though. And this one definitely qualifies as the former. A couple dancing, with eyes only for each other, in a darling, tender, saucy little pose. It’s Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Football Toting Couple

Will your wedding reception feature a pick up game of touch football? Not so much? Do you wish it did?
Even if your über expensive gown and shoes (and makeup and hair and nails) don’t lend themselves to grass stains and sweat, you can fantasize about playing football with your new life partner with this adorable Football Toting Couple Cake Topper from Weddingstar.
I mean…how fun is this, anyway? I love this idea of the couple who plays together. Because you can’t play together without Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Love Car Cake Topper

Ah, the Wedding Getaway Car. Unless you’re all limousine-y (I’m not so much), or you’re getting married in the dead of winter and not in Cali or Florida, can you really go wrong with a convertible?
And this is some serious cuteness, from the Valentine’s Day reds and pinks, to the heart-shaped grill, to the “4-EVER” license plate adorning the front. And we guarantee that your very talented cake artist could totally dream up some Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Cheeky Bride Cake Topper

I think I love this one because I sooooo kinda did this once. Well. After it was done to me
Not at my wedding, though. At my senior prom. We were having pics taken in this serene little arbor, and you can totally tell Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Baseball Bride and Groom Cake Topper

As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie! Going into the week during which we celebrate the 4th of July, I am lovin’ this adorable cake topper, featuring the groom on the pitcher’s mound and the bride at bat. ‘Cause I totally think the couple that plays together stays together.
Can’t you just see this on a summertime wedding cake? For that couple that we all know where they are BOTH Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Snow Lover’s Cake Topper

So, not an easy title to write, when your cake topper features both a snow boarding bride and a snow skiing groom.
Lizzie and Chris both love the slopes in Vermont – so much so, that they actually Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Love Birds
Cake Topper Friday: Sitting Bride and Groom Cake Topper

Has any part of your courtship involved sitting on a dock, dangling your feet in the water? Will your reception offer such a refreshment? Well then, this is the cake topper for you!
I think this is so sweet. It’s as if the bride and groom Read More