buttercream wedding cakes
Blue Rustic-Iced Ombre Wedding Cake

How do we feel about a rustic approach to icing, y’all?
Personally, I like it. Don’t get me wrong. A perfectly coiffed cake is sigh-inducing for sure. Still, there’s something so charming about swishy swirls in icing – or should I say frosting? – don’t you think? Like, I could totally Read More
Sunflower Wedding Cake

Ah, Happy Summer, Y’all!
Bees buzzing, lazing in a chair with a glass of lemonade, as the hazy sun shines. Tall grasses, children playing – because they are the only ones who have the energy in the heat.
But as the sun sinks lower into the sky, and with it, the mercury, we come alive as the stars come out to play. Grab your pashmina and keep the party going!
I waxed a wee bit poetical right there, didn’t I? Well, I couldn’t help it. I was inspired. By the cake.
Don’t you just love sunflowers? Nothing says Read More
Dogwood Wedding Cake

I know, I know. The angle and lighting are a little funky on this one. But it’s sooooo still worth posting.
I love dogwood blossoms. We awaited with such joy the blooming of the dogwoods back home, when we knew spring was finally on its way. And this cake features beautiful versions of the lovely flower, used sparingly and asymmetrically on the various layers.
And speaking of the layers, I love a cake that has alternating shapes. This one features both squares and rounds, and the second layer from the top is both square AND Read More
Peanut Butter Addiction Cake

Peanut butter and chocolate…is there a more heavenly combination? But seriously I am full-fledged Reese’s addict, and this cake is a dream come true!
I came across this blessed jewel on Pinterest but it originated from the lovely Cup A Dee Cakes. They classified it as a groom’s cake but I happen to think that it would be a great non-traditional (and yet still traditional) wedding cake.
And if you didn’t swoon over the copious amounts of Reese’s cups on the cake get ready for the deliciousness inside! It is a dark chocolate cake covered in peanut butter buttercream frosting. I’m in heaven ya’ll!
Now if you will excuse me I am off to satisfy my Reese’s craving while you all contemplate the amazingness of this cake!
Source: Pinterest
Cake Topper Friday: Egg and Bird Nest Cake Toppers

So, before I launch into my normal and characteristic rhapsody, a disclaimer: this picture has been repinned on Pinterest. A lot. And it would seem that the original link was to some spammy site, rather than the original source. But I simply had to show it to you. So if you know who is responsible for this darling genius of a cake, please speak up. Ok. Onto cake gushing.
So, the eggs and nest are cute enough here, right? New love, new life hatching and all that. But when you pull back and see the darling Read More
Yellow Ombre Buttercream Wedding Cake

Are you a fan of ombre? I am. I love this look on walls, papers, dresses…and, of course, ombre wedding cakes.
This yellow ombre cake is one of the prettiest examples of the technique I’ve seen. It’s really subtle, with just a kiss of color toward the bottom, for the couple who really like the idea of a white cake, but want just a tiny touch of color. The darling cake topper, consisting of a compact nosegay of yellow roses and other flowers, perfectly punctuates the look.
Beyond the ombre, aren’t the buttercream ribbons that adorn the cake fantastic? Look closely, and you’ll see that the effect Read More
Pink and Orange Buttercream Ruffle Peony Cake

Are you there yet? Are you in that absent-minded, don’t-bother-me-with-real-life-details-like-laundry-and-oil-changes that spring incites? I can think of nothing but glorious days, warm breezes, picnics, and playing outside. I want to wear flowy dresses made from lots of linen, drink lemonade and crisp white wine, and gather floppy flowers.
And here is the perfect cake to epitomize that vibe.
Nine days out of ten, you’ll find me buttoned up and starched, tailored and just so, and I love cakes that reflect that personality, too. Crisp edges, architectural and symmetrical features, like Read More
Pink Rose Petal Wedding Cake

Aren’t rose petals pretty? We see them scattered on aisle cloths or lawns. Sometimes they’re strewn across the cake table (like they are here.) But this baker goes a step further and actually puts them on the cake.
The simplicity of the vision is simple, and perfectly symmetrical, which lends a sense of calm and order to this lovely cake. Pink roses crown the cake, and petals rest at each corner of the five graduated square layers, which are decorated meticulously with buttercream, royal icing swags, and classic white Read More
Art Deco Square Wedding Cake

I started to make this cake a feature for Wedding Cake Topper Friday, on account that I heart Paris in the most longing way, and so of course I sighed and swooned when I saw this fabulous cake. But honestly, the cake is so much more than that topper. And so here it is, the star of its own post.
I’m a big fan of art deco anyway. Have you seen Midnight in Paris? Woody Allen’s 2011 Oscar contender straddled the line between present day and 1920s Paris. I loved it immediately, and this cake, with its art deco motif and La Tour Eiffel topper, takes me right to it. And there’s something so Read More