Chocolate Wedding Cakes
Chocolate. Say it with me. CHOCOLATE. Who doesn’t love chocolate? In the U.S., most wedding cakes, until recent years, were drab, white, and practically flavorless. Just sweet and more sweet. But more and more, we’re seeing different flavors, and different combinations. And not to be left out, chocolate is a flavor in the forefront. A couple may choose plain chocolate, but more often than not, we see variations on the theme – mocha, chocolate espresso, red velvet. But should a couple cling steadfast to tradition, they can always relegate the chocolate to the groom’s cake. Often a foil to the white, statuesque, center-stage wedding cake, a groom’s cake is often whimsical, and frequently expresses some quirky aspect of the groom’s or couple’s personality. Sometimes the flavors vary, but quite often, the groom’s cake is – you guessed it – chocolate. Dark to the wedding cake’s light. Rich to the wedding cake’s austere. The perfect yin and yang, the perfect foil, the perfect complement. If your couple-heart lies in the direction of chocolate – go for it! It’s your wedding, after all.
Chocolate Scrollwork Wedding Cake

Did you know today is National Chocolate Day?
As a lifelong fan of all things chocolate, I will admit that I am definitely a fan of the “including chocolate in your wedding cake” trend that I have been seeing lately.
Sure, anyone can have a chocolate tier or two (or four) in their multi-tiered wedding cake, but I'm talking about having chocolate front and center on your wedding cake.
Take this cake for example.
It doesn't matter what flavor cake is inside, we have chocolate on the outside! Read More
Chocolate Wedding Cake with Geraniums

Do you ever get in one of those moods when all you can think is “Chocolate! I need chocolate!”?
Well, that's the frame of mind I'm in today which is why I searched high and low for a decadent chocolate wedding cake to share with you.
Will you look at this gorgeous cake?
What I wouldn't give for a slice of that right about now.
This cake is the classic devil's food cake – which is really what you want when you're eating chocolate cake. Read More
White Chocolate Leaves Wedding Cake

There must be something in the air this week as I’m still slightly obsessing over all things fall.
And while this cake would look great at any time of year – but would look amazing in the fall – I had to share it with you.
I found this cake while searching “DIY decorations” and perhaps a DIY wedding is not in the cards for you. However, I’m sure your baker could create some lovely leaves to wrap around your wedding cake. Read More
Marble Chocolate and Mocha Wedding Cake

Chocolate and coffee – is there anything better than these two flavors? I think not.
Which is why I just had to feature this cake today – it's a marble chocolate and mocha cake with a marbleized fondant. It's such a pretty – and unique – cake that I couldn't resist sharing it with you!
The four-tiered cake features alternate layers of chocolate marble and mocha marble. And as good as chocolate and coffee are as separate flavors, you know when they're combined to make mocha it's that much better! Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Brownie Pops

I think one of the best things about being a guest at a wedding – other than witnessing the wedding and the cake – is that we get to take home a fun gift. I’m talking about the wedding favors and I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for a great wedding favor.
At my wedding we gave guests little boxes of Jordan Almonds, which at the time seemed fun but in retrospect it’s sort of boring.
I mean little boxes of candy that might break a tooth can’t even compare to these super cute monogrammed brownie pops! Read More
Tree Trunk Groom’s Cake

I recently attended a wedding where the bride and groom had an actual tree stump as the centerpiece on the gift table. The story was that they cut the tree down themselves and carved their initials in the trunk. It was quaint and rustic, and admittedly a little bit different. Read More
Baby Cakes: Chocolate Espresso Charlottes

I've been a little stuck on coffee and chocolate over the past week or so. My hubster made a truly fabulous mocha-kissed Buche de Noël for our gathering with Canadian friends the other night. The beautiful dessert – shaped like a Yule log, in case you aren't familiar – capped off a lovely evening of French-Canadian/British fusion celebration, and we had a grand time.
So Read More
Black and Ivory Plaid Cake

I heart plaid. You know that, right?
Last night, I posted one of my favorite holiday pics of the kids and me in our little tartan Christmas aprons — gifts from my mom last year. I just love it, and it inspired me to look for a plaid cake to share with you today.
Turns out there are a surprising number of plaid cakes out there! Some frightful, and some lovely. Today, I went with this simple black and ivory three-tiered plaid cake. It's actually a birthday cake, but it would certainly make a lovely wedding or groom's cake. And while it's Read More
Mocha Wedding Cake

Today, I'm all about the coffee.
I may have overslept a bit. The culprit? Cold medicine. Ugh. No hangover ever made me forget to put the milk back in the fridge.
So coffee aplenty is in order this morning, and this cake is the perfect accompaniament.
Do you love coffee? Is your fiance a Read More
Deep Brown Winter Wedding Cake

I thought I'd feature something a little different today.
You should know that I love the idea of a winter wedding. Actually, I think that for me, I prefer fall and winter over spring and summer anyday for a wedding. I think I love the minimalistic design elements of these seasons, and the rich, warm colors. And there's something about finding the beauty in a sparse landscape that really appeals to me.
This cake is like Read More