Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 31, 2011

And so it continues. The hot hotness of summer, I mean.
Vacation is over and school’s looming up before us here (we go back August 15 in these parts. Ugh.) It’s extremely hard to school supply shop when you’d rather be at the beach, yes? Maybe someone needs to make some cute little plaid bikinis with matching cardigan cover ups. And we can have apple tartlets in lieu of, well, you know. So who’s gonna make the kiddoes go back to school if Mama doesn’t want to?
But I digress.
I have an AWESOME visit with my best friend coming up, and more wedding pretty Read More
Naked Wedding Cake

Fondant…buttercream…fondant…buttercream…How about neither?
This is a trend that I’ve been seeing more and more of lately, especially for our friends across the pond: a naked wedding cake. Well. Not truly nude. Normally, these lovely and simple cakes feature a filling of fruit preserve and/or frosting, and a Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Engraved Wood State Cake Topper

There is something about being from South Carolina that makes people scream with pride. No really–have you driven through South Carolina on I-95 before and seen an annoyingly high amount of Palmetto Tree paraphernalia on the backs of our cars? We might not have the smartest kids (or beauty queens) and we may not have the fanciest buildings but we sure are proud of our beautiful beaches and the illustrious Palmetto Tree.
That’s why when I saw this cake topper by Braggin’ BagsI knew it was my next feature for Cake Topper Friday. Now I know this picture is of Georgia, our friendly neighbor to the south, but you can pick any of the continental United States when you purchase your cake topper. These toppers are made from wood and Read More
Green, Pink and Bunting Flag Cake

I’ve been pretty down and out on pink and green as of late. In fact I think I had pretty much shunned the idea of the pink and green color combo in all aspects of my life. Seeing the colors together made me want to scream out words like, “dunzo”, “passe”, “that’s so 2009″.
Ahem, now go ahead. Ask me what my wedding colors were. Pink and green. Oh yeah.
I have a secret. Today I have fallen back Read More
Yellow and Green Wedding Cake

I love when I find a cake that is like nothing else I’ve never seen before. After awhile all cakes start to resemble one another and I like to throw in an eclectic cake just to keep it interesting.
The originality in this cake comes with the coloring. I cannot remember Read More
Pink Swirl Cake

You may have heard a whisper of my love for all things including Pink Gerbera Daisies. If I am Jerry Maguire than Gerbera Daisies are my Renee Zellweger. You know, back when she could completely open her eye lids. They complete me.
Side note, SO many once good but Read More
Wedding Cake Trends for 2011

So seven months into 2011 I think it’s time we talk trends baby. Cake trends that is. Because let’s face it..I am always behind on clothing trends. I try so hard but oh my goodness how do I love a pony-tail and cardigans..I am so boring that way. However, cake trends? I think I got it.
Since I’ve been blogging about wedding cakes five days a week for the last seven months I have begun to take notice of the good, the awesome, and the coveted of wedding cake designs. There are lots of fun options that you can do with your wedding cake. 2011 has definitely been a wedding season of sweet, pretty, and creative. Here are just a few things that I am digging as we make our way into the last five months of 2011.
Double It Up
The Double Height Tier is probably my favorite trend this year. It’s a pretty simple concept: take a simple three-tier round cake and add height to one of the tiers. It gives the cake height and an asymmetrical quality that takes it from a normal cake to a spectacular one. Traditionally a cake tier is anywhere from 3-4 inches tall. To achieve the double height the baker simply adds Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 24, 2011

So…how are you keeping cool during this scorcher of a summer? We’re fanning and heading to the beach and drinking plenty of iced tea. And while summer is scorching the rest of you, it’s just plain ole’ normal hot here in Florida.
But the heat hasn’t stopped the deliciousness that is a summer full of weddings. We’ve seen some Read More
Champagne Wedding Cake

Some cakes are stunning in their detail. Some are breathtaking in the display of the baker’s skill. And some are flat out…adorable.
This, Ladies and Gentleman, is an adorable cake.
The label adorable is by no means slander. It’s perfect in every detail. Not a wrinkle in the fondant. Not a twinkle out of place in the fountain-y, sparkly, headdress-y cake topper. It really is perfect.
But I use adorable Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Robot Cake Toppers

Domo arigato Mr. Roboto. Thank you very much oh Mr. Roboto for bringing me this cake topper when I needed it.
Yes! Robot Cake Toppers! I’ve got to admit…I’ve making an effort to step outside of the box on Cake Topper Friday and I am loving what I am finding. Because in all honesty a girl can only feature a Read More