hand-painted wedding cakes
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for November 25, 2012

Hello, Friends and Family! I hope that y’all survived and flourished through this holiday weekend, and you aren’t in a turkey induced coma. If you are, strap on those runnin’ shoes and get out of the house! This holiday business is a distance run, not a sprint. We need you for the long haul.
And speaking of the long haul…don’t you LOVE when we have this extra week thrown into the Christmas season? I absolutely adore this time leading up to the beginning of Advent, since it gives me time to recover, make lists, check them twice, etc, etc, etc.
We’re back in Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 28, 2012
Hello Hello, my dear readers! I hope you are having a fantastically fantastic day! And I hope that threats of gargantuan storms aren’t freaking you out too badly this weekend.
We bid adieu to Sandy here without too many worries…just a little wind and rain. I sincerely hope and pray that all the weather folk out there are dead wrong, and that Sandy dissipates into the chilly Atlantic without so much as a whimper. Hey – it could happen.
So, beyond weather, we have a Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 30, 2012

Hello, hello! How are you this very fine Sunday? I’m swell, and happy that it’s the weekend.
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Cool and crisp? Well…lucky YOU. ‘Cause we are totally sweltering here in the southeast. It happens this way every year, but it’s always so tiring…watching everyone else’s mercury plummet while ours holds steady. But in just a few weeks, it will be the dry season…or what we call in Florida…bliss.
Isn’t this just the BEST time for weddings, though? Rich foods, rich colors, and that excitement that just Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 29, 2011

Greetings, Cake Lovers and Seekers of Pretty and *sigh* Moments!
What have you been up to this week? I confess, I’ve had one foot in Fantasyworld (or rather, in the Happiest Place on Earth) and the other in the quagmire that is the last month of the school year. Will it ever end? I suppose that’s counter Read More
Pink Painted Wedding Cake

Happy Happy Spring! That is what this cake says to me!
I found this incredibly beautiful, demure little cake on Pinterest, but it was posted there from Amelie’s House (byline: “a makey-bakey-cakey place.”) I think I have found yet another UK love interest.
I LOVE pink. I LOVE pink wedding-y things. And painted cakes? Are the bees’ knees in my book. Really? Don’t you just want to leave work behind today, put on a pretty Read More
Hand Painted Tattoo Wedding Cake

I ran across another cake by Becky at Consumed by Cake, which led me to a little digging (I simply had to know more about her lovely work), which led me to brashly introduce myself to her when I found this incredible hand painted tattoo wedding cake.
The introduction went something like this:
“Hi, my name is Brooke, and I am in love with your cake.”
Becky graciously responded to my fawning and gushing, and sent me some darling details about this one. This was, it seems, her first “international” wedding cake! The couple, from Belgium, saw Read More
Hand Painted Roses Wedding Cake

We’ve seen hand painted wedding cakes. And we’ve seen roses wedding cakes. But we’ve never seen someone put the two together. The beautifully talented and oh-so original Victoria Made has once again set our hearts aflutter.
We love the simplicity Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for February 26, 2012

Greetings, friends and fans of the lovely!
Something truly tragic happened this week. Yes. The silk string on my pearls frayed and now I am pearl-less until I get them fixed.
No, I’m serious.
So, in determining what to do about this predicament, I mean, what DOES a girl do? Have a strand for everyday of the week so that they don’t wear out? Where costume pearls or freshwater jobbies for everyday-around-the-house wear? Because I am totally serious when I say I wear them Read More
Hand-Painted Love Birds Cake

It’s one thing to see a cake which features details that prove that the cake artist is well-versed in the culinary arts. But it’s quite another when the baker also proves that she is an artist in the true sense of the word. Today’s featured cake shows just such a gift. We actually linked to this beautiful hand-painted cake by Dream Day Cakes of Gainesville, Florida, in our Let Them Eat Cake Round-Up last May, but it’s so special, we thought it deserved its own post.
Notice the details: both the tree on the bottom tier, as well as the branch that the bird cake toppers are “perched” on, were handpiped meticulously by baker and cake artist Yeni Monroy. Fred Read More