Real Life Objects Cakes
The sky is the limit when it comes to cake sculpture. If you can describe it, or produce a photograph of it, then chances are your talented baker can turn it into cake. More and more, we are seeing real life objects cakes, or sculpted cakes as they are sometimes called, served in tandem with a traditional wedding cake. Normally, the sculpted cake is the groom’s cake, and can be fashioned into any number of objects: a beer bottle, a football helmet, a movie theatre. Gun case with a semi-automatic nestled in the foam-made-of-cake? No problem. Crab cake that looks like a crab? Easy peasy. Caffeine addict you’re baking for? Well then, why not a giant coffee cup? Sand castle? Child’s play. If you can dream it, it’s likely that your baker can do it. So free your mind. And your cake will follow.
Wedding Cake with Edible Jewels

We all know that the bride’s diamond ring is the one jewel that everyone will be staring at on the big day.
But what if your wedding cake was decked out in jewels too? That would definitely make it the center of attention for a while.
I love the idea of adding jewels to a wedding cake.
But what I love more is the idea of adding edible jewels to the wedding cake! Read More
Clambake-Inspired Groom’s Cake

It’s been a while since we featured a groom’s cake, so I thought today was a good day to talk about them.
And I found a doozy of a groom’s cake in my search for something unique and a little different.
I’m talking about this clambake-inspired cake. It is truly one of a kind.
And it’s also perfect for your destination or beach-theme wedding.
Let’s take a moment to really look at this cake. All of the items – the shrimp, crabs, vegetables – they’re all made from sugar paste and white chocolate. Which means they’re edible(and apparently the newspaper is also edible). I’m guessing the “bucket” is all cake too, and yes, that’s silver-y frosting!
If you want a showstopper kind of cake – and one that your guests will remember for a very long time – this clambake groom’s cake is perfect.
You can find this cake here.
The cake was designed by Debbie Does Cakes.
Beach-inspired White Wedding Cake

Now that we are officially celebrating all things summer, our thoughts turn to beaches and summer weddings.
Which brings me to today’s beach-y wedding cake, complete with adorable mini Adirondak chairs as the cake topper.
I love the stark simplicity of the white fondant icing – it really creates a perfect palette to create lovely cake-scapes.
But what makes this cake perfect for your summer beach wedding are the incredible decorations. Read More
Wedding Cake with Sand Dollars

As we inch closer and closer to summer vacation I find myself dreaming of the beach.
I want to walk in the sand and listen to the waves crash…
But first I want to share this very modern and fun beach-themed wedding cake with you!
I absolutely love this cake and it’s because of the sand dollars. I used to search for sand dollars on the beach as a kid and they’ve always been my favorite beach “treasure.” Read More
Wedding Cake with Crystallized Flowers

Everything is coming up roses (and violets, pansies, lavender, and cornflowers) with this stunning wedding cake!
I absolutely love this cake because it elegantly screams ‘spring!’ and because those are real flowers that have been crystallized with sugar.
The three-tier cake is frosted with buttercream icing that was piped on to resemble a basket weave – so the cake actually looks like baskets full of fresh flowers. Read More
Wedding Cake Bouquet Centerpiece

Today we’re not talking about wedding cakes – well at least not the edible kind.
I saw this wedding cake bouquet centerpiece the other day and I just had to share it with you!
Normally I’m all about wanting to show you the prettiest and most delicious looking wedding cakes around, but how cute is this cake made from flowers? Read More
Present Wedding Cake

Everybody loves getting presents wrapped in pretty paper and topped with a perfectly tied bow, right?
Sure they do! And that’s why I love this pretty in pink wedding cake so much. It’s just so darn cute I couldn’t resist sharing it with you today.
This gorgeous three-tiered confection would be perfect for a smaller wedding, a winter wedding, a spring wedding, or even your bridal shower. Read More
Pink Cameo Wedding Cake

I guess I’m feeling fancy this week because I have found yet another incredibly elegant cake for you.
I used to think that I was all about tradition when it came to wedding cakes – white cakes were it. But I have to say I’m really becoming a fan of wedding cakes with color, and this pink cake with cameos is one of my new favorites. Read More
Cutes! A Wedding Cake Halloween Costume!

Happy (day before) Halloween!
As this is one of my favorite holidays, I thought it would be fun to feature something that isn't exactly a traditional wedding cake.
Something like this wedding cake Halloween costume.
Honestly how cute is this? Sure every girl wants to be the bride but how fun would it be to dress up as the cake instead?
This DIY costume looks rather simple to make, even if you're needle-and-thread challenged like me. Read More
Genie Wedding Cake

It's Wednesday and since we can all use a little wackiness in our midweek routine, I thought I'd make today “Wacky Wednesday” and feature a cake that is anything but ordinary.
So without further ado, I give you the Genie Wedding Cake. Read More