Kim Kardashian’s Engagement Party Cake

So this wasn’t the post I intended for today but on my daily visit to all my Disney, Wedding Cake and Hollywood Gossip Blogs I saw one common theme. Ms. Kim Kardashian’s Cinderella inspired Engagement Party Cake that was reportedly made by Hansen’s Cakes in Los Angeles. The same bakery that Tori Spelling buys all her cakes from as well. I guess if you are a reality television star you buy your cakes here. The edible part of this cake is the hill with the castle topper. I have a love of all things Disney. Especially Cinderella. I would love to see a Cinderella wedding done Kim Kardashian style. Wouldn’t you?
According to her sister Khloe (who posted the picture of her gorgeous cake on her blog) the family gathered together for a “normal family dinner” and Kim walked in and announced her engagement. I know all of my “normal family dinners” include live ponies. Don’t yours?
Chocolate Button Cupcakes and Cutting Cake

Check out these adorable Chocolate Button Cupcakes with matching six inch cutting cake.
These chocolate cupcakes are frosted with Vanilla Buttercream and topped with a sweet chocolate button. The cutting cake Read More
Pink Cupcakes

I often ask myself…”Why do cupcakes only come with one color frosting?”
Okay, I don’t really ask myself that. However, I will from this day forward, after seeing these chocolate cupcakes with multi-colored frosting little beauties. It’s subtle enough that you have to look closely… Read More
Summertime Cake

Scream it with me…summer…Summer…SUMMER!!!!!!
The ice cream truck has been circling my neighborhood, the kids are out of school, and the weather is just a touch below 100 degrees everyday here in South Carolina. After a long, snowy winter during which I stared at my neighbor’s Christmas decorations from November to the end of FEBRUARY, I welcome the heat. For a little while at least. By July, Read More
Book Wedding Cake

Now here is an original idea. This couple decided that instead of a traditional wedding cake they would make a cake that represent a stack of books. More importantly a stack of books that were significant to the bride and groom. The stack includes Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton, The Bromeliad Triology by Terry Pratchett and Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. This is the point where I pretend I have heard of all of those books and throw out some fancy literary words Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for June 5, 2011

Summer may not be here on the calendar, but can’t we go ahead and declare it the season of fun, of parties, of laid-backness? With a Memorial Day celebration (and a birthday thrown in for good measure) that spanned the weekend, I am officially in summer holiday mode.
So how will you celebrate Read More
Groom’s ‘Coffee’ Cake

Raise your hand out there if you can make any sense whatsoever in the morning without first ingesting coffee.
Well, aren’t you the lucky ones.
For the rest of us, who balk, nay, cry at the thought of not starting our morning with a cup of coffee, I give you the ultimate coffee tribute. The Coffee Cake.
The Starbucks Coffee Cake.
So, disclaimer: Starbucks isn’t paying me a single cent to tell you that their coffee courses through my veins! And so, when I saw this incredible cake Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Owls on a Branch Cake Topper

I have noticed a trend. I seem to feature cake toppers on Friday. I am not sure why but perhaps it will become my new thing!
Once again Pinterest sucked me into the world of gorgeous handmade wedding cake toppers this week and I could not escape. This week I landed at an Esty shop called Kikuike run out of Japan and the United Kingdom. This particular topper features the ever so popular owls all dressed up in their wedding best, Read More
Philadelphia Wedding Cake

I’ll admit I don’t know much about Philadelphia. Rocky, cheese steak sandwiches, and that it’s where the Fresh Prince was born and raised. (And spent most of his days on the playground from what I hear).
Another thing I know about Philadelphia is that is home to the LOVE statue. You know the one.I learned something new about Philadelphia today. Robert Indiana’s LOVE sculpture and the city of Philadelphia inspired this gorgeous wedding cake. This three tiered Read More