royal wedding
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for October 28, 2012
Hello Hello, my dear readers! I hope you are having a fantastically fantastic day! And I hope that threats of gargantuan storms aren’t freaking you out too badly this weekend.
We bid adieu to Sandy here without too many worries…just a little wind and rain. I sincerely hope and pray that all the weather folk out there are dead wrong, and that Sandy dissipates into the chilly Atlantic without so much as a whimper. Hey – it could happen.
So, beyond weather, we have a Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 31, 2011

And so it continues. The hot hotness of summer, I mean.
Vacation is over and school’s looming up before us here (we go back August 15 in these parts. Ugh.) It’s extremely hard to school supply shop when you’d rather be at the beach, yes? Maybe someone needs to make some cute little plaid bikinis with matching cardigan cover ups. And we can have apple tartlets in lieu of, well, you know. So who’s gonna make the kiddoes go back to school if Mama doesn’t want to?
But I digress.
I have an AWESOME visit with my best friend coming up, and more wedding pretty Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for May 29, 2011

Oh, but what a week it has been! Graduations and teacher’s gifts and vacation planning oh my! I don’t know if your spring has been break neck speed like ours has been, but I am certainly glad for a long holiday weekend to slow the heck down and take in some family time. Out to dinner, playing by the pool, and off to the beach – good times Read More
Mad Hatter Wedding Cake

I’m late..I’m late..for a very important date!
You know what that means. I’m getting all Disney on you again. In the hub-bub of the Royal Wedding I forgot to showcase one of my favorite themed wedding cakes. This cake was made by the Grand Floridian Resort Bakery at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. It was made for the All Night Royal Sleepover Celebration held at Disney’s Wedding Pavilion the night before Read More
Prince William’s Groom’s Cake

So…I know that we’ve talked about it. But we haven’t actually seen it. Well, I hadn’t, anyway.
Until now.
While everyone else was mooning over the giant, gorgeous, white behemoth of a cake created to mark the wedding of Read More
And the Oscar for “Best Cake Featured at a Wedding” Goes to..

Fiona Cairns.
Late Friday afternoon while I was still at work, my partner in crime all things Wedding Cake sends me a link with the picture of the most beautiful wedding cake I have ever seen.
The cake was eight tiers-tall, and Fiona Cairns and her team spent five weeks prepping for the event. We already know the innards of the cake were traditional English fruit cake. Seriously, I need to get to England and try some of this “fruit cake” because the only fruit cake I’ve ever had comes wrapped in red saran wrap at Christmastime and tastes like…well… Read More
Happy Wedding Day Kate and Will!

It’s impossible to post a picture of any cake today. Because we know that today somewhere in England..there will be a cake at a wedding to trump all other cakes.
I’m awake watching. Are you? Brooke and I are having a virtual tweet-up up on twitter. Come join us. Read More
Dunkin’ Donuts Royal Wedding Donut

So yesterday I introduced you to the Royal Wedding Ice Cream Cake from Baskin Robbins. Well, if you aren’t an ice cream and cake kind of person, here is another option for you: the Royal Wedding Doughnut. Oh yes.
Perhaps this could be your Royal Wedding Breakfast, as many Read More
A Royal Wedding Ice Cream Cake

Who needs Fiona Cairns when you have Baskin Robbins? Um, this is not a crack on BR because…ice cream AND cake together…magical.
For a limited time, Baskin Robbins across the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada will offer this cake, made with traditional vanilla cake layered with Baskin Robbins’ Chocolate Mousse Royale ice cream, and topped with 30 piped blue and white buttercream Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 24, 2011

Happy Easter, Everyone! On this most spring-y of days, we’re excited to look around and see all the beauty that is popping up everywhere. As we shed our winter coats for sun dresses, and trade in those fashionable boots for comfy flip flops, we’re excited to see what will be new for spring and summer in the world of Read More