seasonal wedding cakes
Pink Marbleized Wedding Cake

It happens.
As you can imagine, I spend a wee bit of time looking at wedding cakes. (Okay. A LOT of time.) And every once in a while, I find one, and save it, and “ooh” and “ahh” over it…but sorta kinda forget to, you know, note where it came from.
Enter this beautiful cake.
I love LOVE this marbleized technique. And whether it’s achieved with fondant or modeling chocolate, I think it’s just so cool. That’s obviously what I thought when I saw this one, except I must have gotten so excited that I didn’t credit it.
I can’t really make out some of the flowers, but I believe the smaller ones are dogwood blossoms, some of my springtime favorites. And the simple piped beading is a nice finish.
So please, feel free to let me know if you know who baked this lovely cake, because I just HAD to show it to you. But I certainly love to give credit where it’s due. I’d really enjoy seeing more of their work, or hearing the story behind this one.
Cake Topper Friday – Edible Fall Leaves

I’m deviating just a teensy bit today. Rather than showing you something that goes on top of the cake, I’m showing you something that goes…on top…of…well, the cake. Lemme explain.
I love fall. And so do you. I don’t know ANYBODY who doesn’t. And I love it so much that I got married during fall. And what’s better than a Read More
Raven Wedding Cake

It’s that time of year again! No, not back to school or summer ending or fall beginning. It’s the time of year when I start looking for crazy and fabulous seasonal wedding cakes! And since I’m already finding TONS, I had to go ahead and give you a preview of the stash with today’s post – the Raven Wedding Cake.
This. Is. Read More
Rustic Flower Basket Wedding Cake

I wanted to feature a cake today that was sort of an homage to summer’s last big hurrah. After all, it’s still summer. It’s too hot to call it fall yet, and besides, we haven’t hit the equinox.
So what signals the end of summer better than gathering an overgrown bounty? This Flower Basket Wedding Cake was the perfect fit.
Look closely, because those baskets are, in fact, cakes. The sugar paste flowers appear to be the star of the show when really, they’re just garnish.
Isn’t the detail Read More
Orange and Magenta Scroll Wedding Cake

This wedding cake is like coffee! Isn’t it?
What do I mean? It’s an instant wake up!
I love it. Really really REALLY. Not only is it replete with the world’s happiest flower, the DAISY, but the perfect scrollwork in two of the poppiest of colors, bright orange and magenta, make me want to dance. Or twirl. Or hula hoop. Or maybe all of the above. It’s kinda like a really fun twist on the hot trend of ombre, don’t you think?
I have no idea who made this cake, sadly, so if you do, please, speak up and let us know. In the meantime, enjoy it. Enjoy it like you enjoy a good summer party in your prettiest dress.
Love Birds and Succulents Wedding Cake

Oh, but the summer vibe just keeps on getting summerier. That’s a word, right?
So, today’s cake isn’t so much about the cake itself – don’t be hatin’ on me ’cause it came from Publix Supermarket – but it is about the beautiful way that the bride and groom decided to dress it up with so many darling details.
The cake is the perfect blank slate: white fondant with big, exaggerated, pearl trim. But what really caught my eye were the succulents trimming the cake (LOVE THEM), as well as the adorable – I mean, CRAZY adorable! – lovebirds nesting on top. The final touch is the Read More
Sunflower Wedding Cake

Ah, Happy Summer, Y’all!
Bees buzzing, lazing in a chair with a glass of lemonade, as the hazy sun shines. Tall grasses, children playing – because they are the only ones who have the energy in the heat.
But as the sun sinks lower into the sky, and with it, the mercury, we come alive as the stars come out to play. Grab your pashmina and keep the party going!
I waxed a wee bit poetical right there, didn’t I? Well, I couldn’t help it. I was inspired. By the cake.
Don’t you just love sunflowers? Nothing says Read More
Charlotte Wedding Cake

Today’s cake is for the lover of rustic or DIY: the Charlotte Wedding Cake.
Sometimes in the dead of summer (like, you know, now), simpler just seems better, yes? Sure, ornate cakes with a ton of detail and many man hours will elicit the obiligatory “WOW!” from our guests, and that is all well and good. But I for one find myself trying to Read More
Sand Colored Ombre Seashell Cake

Why don’t I just declare it “Beachy Monday?” Or “Summer State of Mind Day?”
I seem to gravitate toward beach-themed cakes. Because. I. Love. Them. As you well know, I make my home a little inland from the very southern east coast, and I’d be even more coastal if I had my way about it.
But this cake is simply GORG! I mean, it’s not enough that it has SEASHELLS…but it’s OMBRE TOO! And sand-colored at that. Friends joke sometimes that my signature color is khaki, so you know I’m diggin’ that background. But that’s not all there is to the adorableness…the Read More