Real Life Objects Cakes
The sky is the limit when it comes to cake sculpture. If you can describe it, or produce a photograph of it, then chances are your talented baker can turn it into cake. More and more, we are seeing real life objects cakes, or sculpted cakes as they are sometimes called, served in tandem with a traditional wedding cake. Normally, the sculpted cake is the groom’s cake, and can be fashioned into any number of objects: a beer bottle, a football helmet, a movie theatre. Gun case with a semi-automatic nestled in the foam-made-of-cake? No problem. Crab cake that looks like a crab? Easy peasy. Caffeine addict you’re baking for? Well then, why not a giant coffee cup? Sand castle? Child’s play. If you can dream it, it’s likely that your baker can do it. So free your mind. And your cake will follow.
Sage and White Square Box Wedding Cake

I’m in a unique state of mind this week, y’all.
This box-themed cake is incredible, don’t you think? I love everything about it. The meticulous execution of the theme (really. Would you know it was cake if I didn’t tell you?) The colors. The flawless – and I do mean FLAWLESS designs of argyle, hounds tooth, and stripes. The off-center stacking that is different than the way we usually see a wonky feature like that applied. And how about the top “box”, with the lid propped up, flowers spilling out? I love that the cake perfectly blends masculine Read More
For the Guys: Waffle Cake, Anyone?

On Saturdays, I always wake up craving those big, country boy, farmhand breakfasts. I am neither a boy, nor do I live on a farm, so I’m not sure why my body things I need that many calories. Nevertheless.
Doesn’t this groom’s cake just look scrumptious? I would LOVE to know what flavors are under that impeccably Read More
One for the Guys: Golf Green Cupcake Cluster

Have you seen this fun idea – taking a cluster of cupcakes, and decorating them to be a unified them, which can look almost like a sheet cake – only WAY funner?
I admit, up to now, I’ve seen this creative technique applied mostly for children’s birthday parties. But I love LOVE using cupcakes for a groom’s cake! I mean, why shouldn’t your Main Squeeze celebrate the Big Day with manly cupcakes of his own?
This look is Read More
Sombrero Wedding Cake

Normally, I don’t feature cake pics that were obviously taken in the work room of a bakery, or in other non-glamorous settings. But c’mon. It’s a sombrero cake. I mean, seriously. I couldn’t resist.
THIS…is a fun couple. I mean, I’m sure there is probably some kind of cultural connection…or perhaps they met Read More
Chinese Takeout Wedding Cake

Omistars in Heaven Above. (Haven’t started out that way for a bit 😉 )
So, how fabulous is this positively adorable cake depicting a yummy-looking stack of Chinese takeout? Would you not LOVE to know this story? I shall imagine one for us.
The couple met and fell in love, and soon discovered they also shared a passion for noodles.
The couple met when he delivered the noodles Read More
Beehive Wedding Cake

Did you know that beehives often symbolize industry, harmony, and order? Well, if that be so, then we think using a beehive as a symbol for marriage is to get off on exactly the right foot. After all, marriage takes work, and harmony makes it all the better, yes?
Paige and Justin, our bride and groom whose Read More
Ombre Pink Roses Cake

I am a sucker for the ombre technique of gently moving from lighter to darker shades of a color. Whether it’s a dress, a wall, a piece of stationary, or a cake – if it’s a color that I love, and the artist has used ombre, I’m in.
This cake super had me at hello. Isn’t it just perfection? Gradually moving from the palest pink to Valentine red, it’s just breathtaking. In fact, I think it’s the perfect cake to feature as we head toward the month o’ love.
This lovely cake is the work of Janet Mohapi-Banks, a wonderfully talented baker and cake artist located just outside Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for January 22, 2012

Happy…hmmm…well…let me think about it…Sunday! Happy Sunday, Everyone!
Oh, but we have entered into that part of winter when winter is no longer enchanting. (Well. I assume. I mean, I live in Florida, and I’m going to the beach today. Hate me if you must.) But really, I remember this time of year when I lived up north. Christmas is over. Spring seems far, far, far, far… Thanks be to God for Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and St. Patty’s, or we’d all go stark raving mad, I’m afraid.
Speaking of such things, I love all the little holidays. Isn’t it just so awesome that in life, there just always seems to be something to celebrate Read More
Beach Wedding Cake

Isn’t this always how it goes.
In August I was tired of sweat behind my knees 14 hours a day and ready for the cool breeze of fall. By the time November rolled around I was ready for Thanksgiving to be finished so that I could kick off the Christmas season. Now that it’s January and the days. seem. to. take. forever. I can’t wait until it’s beach season.
Yes, I did skip right over spring because that’s what South Carolina does. 50 degrees and gloomy one day…75 and gorgeous the next.
Here it is in January. MLK Holiday has passed and minus a teacher work day or two I am in that awful Jan/Feb/March OH MY Read More