Real Life Objects Cakes
The sky is the limit when it comes to cake sculpture. If you can describe it, or produce a photograph of it, then chances are your talented baker can turn it into cake. More and more, we are seeing real life objects cakes, or sculpted cakes as they are sometimes called, served in tandem with a traditional wedding cake. Normally, the sculpted cake is the groom’s cake, and can be fashioned into any number of objects: a beer bottle, a football helmet, a movie theatre. Gun case with a semi-automatic nestled in the foam-made-of-cake? No problem. Crab cake that looks like a crab? Easy peasy. Caffeine addict you’re baking for? Well then, why not a giant coffee cup? Sand castle? Child’s play. If you can dream it, it’s likely that your baker can do it. So free your mind. And your cake will follow.
A Look Back: Christen’s Favorite Cake Posts of 2011
Exactly one year ago today I jumped on-board this bandwagon called A Wedding Cake Blog. It’s been a great year and I have literally been up to my eyeballs in frosting ever since. I’ve talked about cupcakes, traditional cakes, very blue cakes and been introduced to Cake Pops and Mini-Cakes. I’ve over-shared..I mean really..who knew that a simple wedding cake could inspire so much random blubbering? So on the eve of the eve of the New Year I’ve decided to take a look back at my top ten favorite posts of Read More
Alice in Wonderland Cake

It’s no secret that I am a fan of Alice in Wonderland. I am also a fan of Alice in Wonderland weddings. I mean have you ever seen some of these magical Alice-themed weddings that Disney has put on? Ah-mazing. We’ve featured a couple of Alice in Wonderland-themed treats here and here on A Wedding Cake Blog in fact. I’ve even seen some non-Disney weddings that have been breathtaking. There is just something about the story that is just so whimsical that allows for a gorgeous backdrop.
Enter this amazing cake made by Karen Portaleo the Sugar Artist (what a cool title, yes?) from Highland Bakery in Atlanta, Georgia. I mean seriously–let’s get Read More
Candy Cake and Cake Stand

We are no stranger to Jenniffer from Cup A Dee Cakes. We’ve featured some of her gorgeous cakes before like this Scroll Pattern Cake and we have featured her on our Let Them Eat Cake Round Up more times than I can count.
However, we’ve never met her Read More
Mount Rainier Wedding Cake

I hope that you enjoyed Ruffle Week 2011. I know that I sure did. Seeing all that ruffly goodness made me proud to be a girl.
As much as I love themed weeks this week we’re back to featuring regular old un-themed wedding cakes. Of course the obvious theme would be Thanksgiving but did you know that Thanksgiving weddings aren’t extremely popular? Therefore, Thanksgiving themed wedding cakes…not so much? Luckily I did find a gem that I will save for Thursday’s post.
Instead let’s post a wedding cake that is modeled after Mt. Rainier in Washington state. Because when you think of Thanksgiving don’t you think of the most dangerous Read More
Fall-Themed Cakes

I’m going to answer Brooke’s question from yesterday.
I celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas to the max. From the time November 1st until January 1st I embrace as much of the holidays as possible. I know sometimes Thanksgiving can get brushed over because of the hustle and bustle of Christmas. But not in my house. My mums are blooming and pumpkins and warty gourds Read More
Big Strawberry Cupcake Cake

Check. it. out. An extra large cupcake is ALWAYS okay with Christen. That’s for sure. Pile it high with delicious buttercream icing. Yes please. Oh, what’s that you say? You want to surround it with normal sized cupcakes and top them with chocolate covered strawberries?
Thump. That was me hitting the floor Read More
Robot Wedding Cake

It is no secret that I love Kara Buntin of A Cake to Remember in Charlottesville Richmond, Virginia. She is original, she’s meticulous, she’s knowledgeable, she’s particular, she’s funny. I learn from her blog and I’m inspired by it.
Earlier this year, Kara featured a contest for a local couple getting married. She would make their cake, but with the (sort of) condition that she would be given some latitude artistically, to make a non-traditional wedding cake. Later, she announced her winners, Carrie and Matt, and they got to work with the plan and design.
This original, adorable robot cake is the result.
Robots? Wedding cake? You wouldn’t think so, but it works! Kara worked with Carrie to come up with the theme. At first, bride Carrie wanted a traditional wedding cake and a funny groom’s cake, because “that’s what is done.” However, she was open to combining the two – and the theme was born!
Here is an excerpt from Kara’s blog, telling a little about the couple’s courtship:
“Matt hosted a Blogging/Web Development conference in May of 2009 and I attended for work. A few months later we struck up a conversation on twitter, became friends and talked (a lot) throughout the rest of the summer. In September of 2010 we went on our first date, and on September 18, 2010, one week shy of our 1-year anniversary, Matt asked me to marry him.”
Mr. Robot, inspired by the Twitter technical difficulties motif, sits on top of a traditional wedding cake, and holds another diminutive wedding cake, covered with an Xs and Ox motif. The bottom cake has birds, which represent the couple’s Twitter courtship. And because of the couple’s high tech connection, the bottom tier is bordered by “Matt plus Carrie XOXO” – spelled out in binary code around the base of the cake! Kara also brought in some softer, more traditional touches to add to the whimsy, like the off center peony on the bottom layer.
This is truly an original, beautiful cake, and what’s more, it represents the couple to a T. And THAT is the mark of an exceptional cake artist.
The Office Cake

I know it’s Cake Topper Friday but I had to post this particular cake in honor of last nights The Office premiere on NBC. The Office is my favorite show and I have been anticipating this premiere since May. What can I say, I have issues.
Even though he’s living in Boulder with Holly I am pretty sure that Michael Scott would approve of these gigantic “World’s Best Boss” coffee cup cake. Question. Where did Michael Scott buy his “World’s Best Boss” Mug? Answer. Spencer Gifts. I also love the calendar next to the mug. If you were a true Office-a-holic you can have this at your wedding and have the date be the date of your wedding. That’s all kinds of adorable. I’ve seen Harry Potter and Twilight themed weddings before..but never an Office themed wedding. Hm…anyone care to try this theme out for me and send me picture? Or, is the last thing you want to be reminded of on your wedding day be a day at the office? Perhaps I’ll just have to wait for my next wedding to figure this one out. Just kidding Dave.
What did you think of the premiere? Do you love or hate the James Spader addition to the cast? Personally, I love him. He’s all slick and creepy like. That’s what she said.
You know I had to do it.