fall weddings
Fun Wedding Favor – Personalized Seedling

With just over a week left in October it’s time to start thinking about your late fall or early winter (gasp!) wedding reception.
Yes, it’s true – as much as we want to hold on to the warmer weather winter really is coming and it’s best to be prepared to plan a great reception!
I’m loving today’s fun wedding favor – personalized evergreen tree seedlings.
These seem like a perfect wedding favor for this time of year – especially as we inch closer to the winter holidays.
Whether you’re a tree person or if you’re just having a rustic fall wedding, these seedlings are a great fun favor.
Each seedling is individually wrapped in a burlap bag and finished with a complimentary personalized tag.
You can find this favor here.
Fun Wedding Favors – Miniature Sparkling Cider Bottles

What’s a wedding reception without a little bubbly to celebrate the newlyweds?
It’s a little less sparkly, that’s for sure.
But now, thanks to today’s fun wedding favor you don’t have to celebrate without a little bubbly at your reception! Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Maple Syrup

OK, I know what you’re probably thinking – maple syrup as a wedding favor?
But you have to admit it’s totally unique and it’s not something you would expect as a wedding favor.
Which in my book makes it absolutely perfect!
Despite summer’s best effort to hold on, the temperatures are going to eventually give way to fall. And for some reason maple syrup reminds me of the fall weather. Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Caramel Apples

One of the best treats in the fall are caramel apples – they're sweet and gooey and since you're eating fruit, it's almost like you're eating something healthy.
We know how delicious they are, so just magine how fun it would be to have a table full of caramel apples as favors for your guests!
This is definitely a do-it-yourself type of wedding favor, provided you don't have a huge guest list and aren't afraid of making a mess. Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Bags of Coffee Beans

If there is one thing I can't live without, it's coffee. If I happened to be stranded on a deserted island there better be a coffee shop nearby or things might get out of hand.
Which is why I found this favor to be completely perfect for any couple who has a love affair with all things java.
These small burlap bags feature the words “The Perfect Blend” and can be filled with your favorite blend of coffee beans. Read More
Woodland Wedding Cake

There's a distinct chill in the air and the leaves are finally changing, so in my mind it is officially fall.
Which means I'm going to start sharing some great fall-inspired wedding cakes and other goodies. I absolutely love fall weddings – maybe because I had one many moons ago – and there is so much you can do to spruce up your fall wedding day.
For example, you could have a beautiful cake like this woodland themed cake.
Look closely, those ARE mushrooms on a wedding cake. Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for July 29, 2012

Happy Sunday! I am soooo about to check out for a few days while my ab bestie is here visiting. I can’t wait! It’s been WAY too long. But before I go get my beach on for the week (with a little Dark & Stormy action sprinkled in for giggles), I had to show you what I’ve been seeing this week. Gosh, but it’s been a pretty summer wedding-wise, with lots of homespun and lace.
But before we take our weekly peek at the interwebs, let’s see what we’ve been up to right here at A Wedding Cake Blog.
On Monday, we featured the most DARLING Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for December 3, 2011

HOW is it already December?
I ask that for a couple of reasons. First off, HOLY COW, I HAVE A LOT OF PLANNING TO DO! Shopping, baking, wrapping, mailing! I’m not sure why I’m accusing Christmas of sneaking up on me. Clearly, the fault lies in my lap, not the calendar’s.
But I’m also just completely amazed that we’ve been at this for a year! Well, a little over a year, but I didn’t come on board until January, so it’s feeling like my anniversary is coming up.
Wow – can I just stop and gush for a minute, and Read More