Southern All the Way: Magnolia and Bling Wedding Cake

If I can’t have pearls, then diamonds will do. Agreed, girls?
This cake practically drawls at us from the computer screen, doesn’t it? Oh, how I adore Savannah! Random? Not really. For this cake evokes long, slow, sultry walks on the squares, and delicious food, and beautiful architecture, and gracious people. That’s no coincidence, because this cake was created by Savannah’s own Custom Cakes.
Sugar magnolias rest on a simple, classic white cake. The base of each layer is trimmed with ivory ribbon and capped with a double strand of rhinestones, which Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 29, 2011

Greetings, Cake Lovers and Seekers of Pretty and *sigh* Moments!
What have you been up to this week? I confess, I’ve had one foot in Fantasyworld (or rather, in the Happiest Place on Earth) and the other in the quagmire that is the last month of the school year. Will it ever end? I suppose that’s counter Read More
“He’s Her Lobster” Groom’s Cake

You know the episode. Of course you do! Ross. Rachel. Phoebe and the lobsters.
Well, Jenniffer from Cup a Dee Cakes in Georgia (see! I told you to stay tuned for another fabulous Cup a Dee cake!) likes to think that episode is the idea behind this one. And I (and a couple million of my closest friends who were also glued to the TV on Thursday nights in the nineties) would like to agree.
While Jenniffer says the cake was a Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Bride in the Cake!

Disclaimer: This post is in no way encouraging you to go have a feeding tube inserted, my dear, beautiful bride. For you are gorgeous in your bridal blush, no matter what your dress size is.
But this was so crazy cute that I seriously had to show you. All!
If cake topper bride and grooms had thought processes, don’t you think this fear has crossed their minds? “Oh no! You want me to stand WHERE? On top of a CAKE? What if Read More
Pink Painted Wedding Cake

Happy Happy Spring! That is what this cake says to me!
I found this incredibly beautiful, demure little cake on Pinterest, but it was posted there from Amelie’s House (byline: “a makey-bakey-cakey place.”) I think I have found yet another UK love interest.
I LOVE pink. I LOVE pink wedding-y things. And painted cakes? Are the bees’ knees in my book. Really? Don’t you just want to leave work behind today, put on a pretty Read More
Whimsical and Wonky Rectangular Wedding Cake

When the wonky wedding cake debuted in the nineties we were all taken aback with by its cuteness and whimsy. This style of cake, which had asymmetrical layers and looked like something right out of Alice in Wonderland, defied gravity to stay upright. It was a breath of fresh air.
Nowadays, we’ve seen lots of wonky cakes. Some are well executed; some, not so much. But when I saw this one by Jenniffer of Cup a Dee Cakes in Georgia, I really considered the genre redefined.
I had never seen a square wonky cake! And this one’s wonkiness Read More
Sage and White Square Box Wedding Cake

I’m in a unique state of mind this week, y’all.
This box-themed cake is incredible, don’t you think? I love everything about it. The meticulous execution of the theme (really. Would you know it was cake if I didn’t tell you?) The colors. The flawless – and I do mean FLAWLESS designs of argyle, hounds tooth, and stripes. The off-center stacking that is different than the way we usually see a wonky feature like that applied. And how about the top “box”, with the lid propped up, flowers spilling out? I love that the cake perfectly blends masculine Read More
Rainbow Wedding Cake

Happy Monday!
Are you dragging, too? Friends of mine had SNOW predicted for today!
Well, it’s sunny and beautiful here this morning, but it’s still Monday, so as a result, I could use a little jumpstart. And this cake is soooo that!
Isn’t it incredible? We’ve featured similar cakes, but they’ve achieved their rainbowness with candies. This one appears to be piped dots of buttercream, meticulously and beautifully blended. Every color of the rainbow with a healthy dose of pink for good measure! It’s almost a different take on the Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for April 22, 2012

Whew! Whirlwind Weekend here! How’s life treating you? We’re into the hustle and bustle of early summer with cookouts, soccer games, and birthday parties. So today, we’re going to take it easy with a little family time, while we show you all the latest Sweet and Pretty that we’ve spied.
But first, let’s take a look back at all the fabulosity we shared this week right here on A Wedding Cake Blog! Here’s the Sweet:
We kicked off the week with this beautiful Yellow Ombre Buttercream Wedding Cake. Simple and gorgeous.
Tuesday, this Read More
For the Guys: Waffle Cake, Anyone?

On Saturdays, I always wake up craving those big, country boy, farmhand breakfasts. I am neither a boy, nor do I live on a farm, so I’m not sure why my body things I need that many calories. Nevertheless.
Doesn’t this groom’s cake just look scrumptious? I would LOVE to know what flavors are under that impeccably Read More