Cutes! A Wedding Cake Halloween Costume!

Happy (day before) Halloween!
As this is one of my favorite holidays, I thought it would be fun to feature something that isn't exactly a traditional wedding cake.
Something like this wedding cake Halloween costume.
Honestly how cute is this? Sure every girl wants to be the bride but how fun would it be to dress up as the cake instead?
This DIY costume looks rather simple to make, even if you're needle-and-thread challenged like me. Read More
Chocolate Scrollwork Wedding Cake

Did you know today is National Chocolate Day?
As a lifelong fan of all things chocolate, I will admit that I am definitely a fan of the “including chocolate in your wedding cake” trend that I have been seeing lately.
Sure, anyone can have a chocolate tier or two (or four) in their multi-tiered wedding cake, but I'm talking about having chocolate front and center on your wedding cake.
Take this cake for example.
It doesn't matter what flavor cake is inside, we have chocolate on the outside! Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Caramel Apples

One of the best treats in the fall are caramel apples – they're sweet and gooey and since you're eating fruit, it's almost like you're eating something healthy.
We know how delicious they are, so just magine how fun it would be to have a table full of caramel apples as favors for your guests!
This is definitely a do-it-yourself type of wedding favor, provided you don't have a huge guest list and aren't afraid of making a mess. Read More
Wedding Cake with Blue Flowers

The weather in my neck of the woods is reminiscent of winter today, so I figured it was a good day to share a wedding cake that reminded me of ice and snow.
I absolutely love this cute little three-tier cake. I love the smooth icing and the fact that it’s only three tiers. Keeping it simple is a great idea when it comes to wedding cakes.
But more than the size and simplicity of the icing, I adore the dainty blue flowers. I’m not usually a fan of blue – it isn’t on my list of favorite colors. But these tiny blue daisies really made me perk up and smile. Read More
All-White Wedding Cake

We’ve been featuring a lot of very colorful cakes lately, so I thought it would be nice to showcase a cake that was simple and beautiful.
Which brings us to today’s all-white wedding cake.
This ivory tower is a four-tier cake decorated with white chocolate fondant. Yes, that’s right. Even though it’s an all-white wedding cake there’s still chocolate involved!
The white chocolate fondant is elegantly pleated, giving the cake the look of a wedding dress. Read More
Fun Wedding Favors – Bags of Coffee Beans

If there is one thing I can't live without, it's coffee. If I happened to be stranded on a deserted island there better be a coffee shop nearby or things might get out of hand.
Which is why I found this favor to be completely perfect for any couple who has a love affair with all things java.
These small burlap bags feature the words “The Perfect Blend” and can be filled with your favorite blend of coffee beans. Read More
Daisy Wedding Cake

I have mentioned my love of daisies before, and since we're in the middle of the week I thought I'd share a cheery and happy daisy wedding cake again.
You can't look at daisies and not feel happy inside, so they're really a perfect flower to feature on a wedding cake. Everyone at a wedding is already smiling from ear to ear, so why not keep the happy theme going with your cake? Read More
Wedding Cake with Roses

Fresh flowers are one of my favorite embellishments on a wedding cake.
I love the simplicity of using flowers or greens on a cake because there's no need to anything else to the cake. And, there are so many ways you (or your baker) can incorporate the flowers into the cake's design. Read More
Texting Bride and Groom Cake Topper

If there's one thing we can't live without these days, it's our smartphones.
So you had to expect that someone would come up with a cake topper that features a bride and groom with their phones. And friends, I found that cake topper.
I have to say, it's rather adorable and I'd probably want it for my wedding cake.
I will fully admit that had I been the owner of a smartphone 11 years ago on my wedding day, I would have been updating my social networks throughout the day.
This cake topper is absolutely perfect for the always-connected, social media addicted couple. Read More
Autumn Leaves Wedding Cake

I think it's finally safe to say that fall is (really) in the air!
The air conditioning has been turned off for (hopefully) the last time until next spring, the stores are full of everything pumpkin, and the grass is covered in a carpet of brightly colored leaves.
Which brings us to this stunner of a fall wedding cake.
This cake is perfect for your fall wedding with its simple tiers and stark white icing accented by the single tree branch covered in fondant leaves.
I love the bright, vibrant fall colors of the edible leaves – the orange, yellow, and brown are just stunning and whimsical at the same time. Read More