Disney Wedding Cake
No one does weddings better than Disney. And when it comes to cake, the artists who craft each cake for weddings held at Disney are adept at creating magic that expresses the unique personality of each couple. Here at A Wedding Cake Blog, we’ve seen everything from castles and princesses to mouse ears and amusement park rides. But Disney Wedding Cakes can turn up any place, at any time. If you are a Disney fan, you don’t have to have a big budget and get married at a theme park to enjoy a little pixie dust. Bakers and cake artists have access to lovely cake toppers that can transform the most plain wedding cake into a Disney dream come true, and any baker with a steady hand can pipe hidden (and not so hidden) Mickeys to your hearts’ content.
For the Guys: Wreck It Ralph Cake

So, I realize that we who are children of the 80s are now firmly in the middle age category, which is a little hard to believe. At the same time, I’d like to think that we’re a little more relevant and hip than our predecessors were. But I may be totally fooling myself. Let me live in my fantasy? Um K Thx.
However, I know that Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for September 30, 2012

Hello, hello! How are you this very fine Sunday? I’m swell, and happy that it’s the weekend.
How is the weather in your neck of the woods? Cool and crisp? Well…lucky YOU. ‘Cause we are totally sweltering here in the southeast. It happens this way every year, but it’s always so tiring…watching everyone else’s mercury plummet while ours holds steady. But in just a few weeks, it will be the dry season…or what we call in Florida…bliss.
Isn’t this just the BEST time for weddings, though? Rich foods, rich colors, and that excitement that just Read More
Cinderella Castle Wedding Cake

You know we love us some Disney here at A Wedding Cake Blog. In fact, as I write this, I am entertaining a visit on Wednesday to Epcot and reliving a jaunt to Magic Kingdom last week! Sigh. I heart living in Florida.
But I didn’t come here today to make you green with envy. Oh no. I came to show you a FABULOUS cake.
DisneyRob tapped me on the shoulder a while back and asked me if I’d like to feature his cake on our blog? And I said, Read More
Cake Topper Friday: Disney’s ‘Princess and the Frog’

I'm not sure what statement this makes about the bride, or the groom, but I'm gonna go with it. Because it's cute.
How many Disney fans do we have out there? I just loved Disney's The Princess and the Frog. The music and story were darling, and the animation was beautiful.
Now, I'm not sure I'd Read More
Pink Minnie Mouse Cake

When I saw this cute-as-a-button Minnie Mouse-inspired birthday cake, I squealed like a little girl. This was cuter than cute. There’s not a level of cute that’s been invented yet that does it justice.
Sure, I know. It’s a first birthday cake. But I live in the land of the Mouse, y’all. So you can just imagine the copious number of Disney fangirls I know. I’m totally serious. They would LOVE this as a wedding cake, or for their bridesmaid luncheon.
There’s somethings always so…just so about Read More
For the Guys: Star Wars Groom’s Cake

Oh. My. Star. Wars. This cake by Anna Cakes of Winter Springs, FL is all kinds of amazing!
I grew up in a house filled with Star Wars. My little brother was in elementary school when they released Episode I The Phantom Menace, and it played non-stop in our house for years. I swear I can probably still recite it to you. There may have also been a few epic light saber battles that went down in our kitchen (much to my mother’s dismay).
So when I saw this cake I was Read More
Let Them Eat Cake: Sunday Round-Up for January 22, 2012

Happy…hmmm…well…let me think about it…Sunday! Happy Sunday, Everyone!
Oh, but we have entered into that part of winter when winter is no longer enchanting. (Well. I assume. I mean, I live in Florida, and I’m going to the beach today. Hate me if you must.) But really, I remember this time of year when I lived up north. Christmas is over. Spring seems far, far, far, far… Thanks be to God for Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras, and St. Patty’s, or we’d all go stark raving mad, I’m afraid.
Speaking of such things, I love all the little holidays. Isn’t it just so awesome that in life, there just always seems to be something to celebrate Read More
A Look Back: Christen’s Favorite Cake Posts of 2011
Exactly one year ago today I jumped on-board this bandwagon called A Wedding Cake Blog. It’s been a great year and I have literally been up to my eyeballs in frosting ever since. I’ve talked about cupcakes, traditional cakes, very blue cakes and been introduced to Cake Pops and Mini-Cakes. I’ve over-shared..I mean really..who knew that a simple wedding cake could inspire so much random blubbering? So on the eve of the eve of the New Year I’ve decided to take a look back at my top ten favorite posts of Read More
Alice in Wonderland Cake

It’s no secret that I am a fan of Alice in Wonderland. I am also a fan of Alice in Wonderland weddings. I mean have you ever seen some of these magical Alice-themed weddings that Disney has put on? Ah-mazing. We’ve featured a couple of Alice in Wonderland-themed treats here and here on A Wedding Cake Blog in fact. I’ve even seen some non-Disney weddings that have been breathtaking. There is just something about the story that is just so whimsical that allows for a gorgeous backdrop.
Enter this amazing cake made by Karen Portaleo the Sugar Artist (what a cool title, yes?) from Highland Bakery in Atlanta, Georgia. I mean seriously–let’s get Read More
Candy Cake and Cake Stand

We are no stranger to Jenniffer from Cup A Dee Cakes. We’ve featured some of her gorgeous cakes before like this Scroll Pattern Cake and we have featured her on our Let Them Eat Cake Round Up more times than I can count.
However, we’ve never met her Read More